CPC & Associés provides assistance to media bodies, natural persons and legal entities following the commission of media offences, as provided for in the French law of 29 July 1881 (image rights, protection of privacy, defamation and insults), for both perpetrators and victims.

CPC & Associés exploits its experience in the context of offences committed in the traditional printed media and in electronic media (internet, TV and radio).


Do you need advice or specific expertise?

Contact us

Founded in 2005, CPC & Associés is a boutique law firm specialising in Business Law.


Rodolphe Bosselut avocat CPC & Associés

Rodolphe Bosselut

Lawyer partner

Lawyer at the Paris Bar admitted in 1990


  • French
  • English
  • Espagnol

Expertise and practice areas

  • Litigation
  •  General criminal law on behalf of defendants and civil parties (fraud, abuse of trust, forgery, etc.), statutory defiance of police officers and defence of anti-sectarian associations),
  • Criminal business law (corruption, illegal acquisition of interests, favouritism, etc.)
  • Civil and criminal media law (defamation, insulting conduct, undermining the presumption of innocence, violating privacy, offence of spreading false news, incitement to hatred, etc.)
  • Civil law (succession)

Clémence Asquin

Lawyer associate

Lawyer at the Paris Bar admitted on 16 january 2019


  • French
  • English

Expertise and practice areas

  • General criminal law
  • Criminal business law
  • Sentence enforcement law
  • Media and communications law
Arnaud Péricard avocat fondateur CPC & Associés

Arnaud Péricard

Founder, Lawyer Partner

Lawyer at the Paris Bar and New-York Bar, admitted in 1999
and 2001 respectively


  • French
  • English
  • Spanish

Expertise and practice areas

  • Mergers, acquisitions and joint-ventures
  • Media and new technology law
  • Sports and media law
  • Public economic law