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Legal news from the firm CPC & Associés, subjects relating to legal matters, ethics and professional regulations.
Always seeking to maintain and develop relations between the firm and its former employees, in addition to all those who have contributed to its growth and expertise, CPC & Associés has created an Alumni network. If you have previously worked at CPC & Associés, please contact us at alumni@cpcassocies.com to register and update your contact details. CPC & Associés will be delighted to hear from you and to keep you informed of its latest activities.  
The firm has established a pro bono policy consisting of providing legal advice for charities, NGOs and social initiatives
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Founded in 2005, CPC & Associés is a boutique law firm specialising in Business Law.


Arnaud Péricard avocat fondateur CPC & Associés

Arnaud Péricard

Founder, Lawyer Partner

Lawyer at the Paris Bar and New-York Bar, admitted in 1999
and 2001 respectively


  • French
  • English
  • Spanish

Expertise and practice areas

  • Mergers, acquisitions and joint-ventures
  • Media and new technology law
  • Sports and media law
  • Public economic law